
Welcome to the Blue Hill peninsula's premier tabloid blog bringing you totally irresponsible reporting about insignificant stuff as well as unsubstantiated rumors and gossip. Telling it like it is, or like we think it is; the truth, the whole truth and not nearly the truth. We report. You decide.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dazzle's Back

And It's About Time
By Fat Boy

Meditating with Semi-celibate monks?

Wandering with Nomads?
As you may have noticed, Dazzle has been on hiatus for a while. Like a four year hiatus. Rumor has it she may have been visiting exotic locations in foreign countries or traveling across the desert with a bunch of know-nothing Nomads. Or maybe she was meditating on a mountain top with a group of semi-celibate monks. Maybe not. One can never believe much of what Dazzle says.

The good news for all you tongue-in-check, four letter word, nonsense loving followers (all four of you) is that she's finally back. And she and her incompetent bunch of reporters and writers are ready to entertain you with their useless and stilted reporting on things of little importance. Be sure to follow Chowdah because Dazzle can be a temperamental bitch. If she doesn't get enough followers she might disappear again, leaving her editorial staff jobless - again. And hey, we gotta feed our kids and buy booze. So get with the program.

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