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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Augusta Ponders New Name for Away People

By Dazzle

A proposal is under foot in Augusta to put an end to the use of the terms “away people” and “people from away” to describe people who vacation in Maine, but do not live her year-round. 

They claim those terms have a negative connotation and are offensive to the summer folk. Instead, it’s been suggested that they be referred to as “summer residents” which they have deemed to be more polite. Other suggestions that they be referred to as flat landers, pains in the asses, the beautiful people and the entitled people were quickly vetoed.

Lawmakers stated that it is their goal to make Maine a more welcoming state, citing a recent study that found Maine to be one of the four most unfriendly states in the country.  Ya think?

Summer folks have long been complaining about not feeling welcomed in the Pine Tree State and they claim that the term away people makes them feel maligned and even more alienated. Poor babies. Perhaps lawmakers should mandate safe spaces in all public places throughout the state where the offended away people can go to feel coddled and comforted.

In the meantime, while Augusta caves to political correctness, Mainers will undoubtedly always know an away person when they see them and will label them accordingly. And it’s unlikely that anything they do in Augusta will change that. So, put on your big boy pants, away people, and buck up because Mainers cling to the belief that if it ain’t broke, why fix it.

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