
Welcome to the Blue Hill peninsula's premier tabloid blog bringing you totally irresponsible reporting about insignificant stuff as well as unsubstantiated rumors and gossip. Telling it like it is, or like we think it is; the truth, the whole truth and not nearly the truth. We report. You decide.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Not Sure What Your Doctor Is Talk'in About?  

We Can Help.               

 by  Beaver
Prompted by complaints from numerous peninsula residents that they had no freak'in idea what their doctors were talking about during medical appointments, the Chowdah staff felt compelled to come to the rescue.

Although more than a few of our readers criticize the Chowdah staff for being a bunch of lazy, boozing baffoons, we beg to differ. Thanks to our occasionally conscious reporters, and after a great deal of in-depth research, we are proud to publish this list of important medical definitions to help interpret your doctor's medical terminology. Now you know. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Now I have proof that I have been using these words correctly all along!
