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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Best Burger in Town - Marlintini's

By Poot

Let's talk burgers.  Big, juicy, delicious perfectly cooked burgers preferably dripping in cheese and loaded with lots of other good stuff.  Where to find it?
It's a well known fact that you're not gonna find really good food in this part of Maine.  Okay, now that we've gotten that off our chest, we're going to tell you where to find the best burger in these parts. CHOWDAH gives the award for the best burger in town to Marlintini's Grill in Blue Hill. Of course there isn't a lot of competition in this area . . . so Marlintini's is pretty much a slam dunk.

No matter how you order it, rare, medium or well done, your burger always arrives cooked to perfection.Summer or winter, the quality is always consistent.  And this is no skinny little hamburger patty.  It's a big, fat, juicy, quality beef burger that tastes great.  Yum.  We like ours rare with extra cheese, and the the cook always gets it right.

The only (minor) complaint we have is about the bun.  We are convinced there is not a good bun or piece of bread to be found anywhere in downeast Maine. If Marlintini's could just get their hands on some big crusty kaiser rolls, these burgers would be right over the moon.

Marlintini's Grill & Restaurant
20 Main Street (Route 15)
Blue Hill, Maine
(207) 374-2500

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