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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Global Warming Blamed for Crocodile Attack in South Blue Hill

by Fat Boy

Two lobstermen came to the aid of a man whose small motor boat was being attacked by a large "sea creature" in Blue Hill Bay Monday.

The lobsterman, who were hauling traps in south Blue Hill, said they noticed a man in a motorboat shouting obscenities and poking at something in the water with his boat hook.  As they approached his boat, they were astonished to see a large crocodile jumping out of the water chomping at the stern of the small boat.

According to the lobstermen, the boater appeared to be taunting the crocodile when it suddenly lunged at the boat knocking the man into the frigid water.  The lobstermen quickly fished the guy out of the water, and reported the crocodile incident to the harbor master and coast guard.

After circling the lobstermen's boat for a few minutes, the croc swam off in the direction of the Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club.

The "sea creature" has been identified as an American crocodile which usually inhabits the warm waters off the coast of southern Florida. This is the first time a crocodile has been spotted in the cold Maine waters.

According to Al Gore, spokesman for the group, I Invented the Internet, the warmer waters caused by global warming are attracting marine species not indigenous to this area.  This situation is similar to the shark attack which occurred here last summer when a group of tourists wading in the water near the Falls Bridge in Blue Hill were devoured by a school of great white sharks. Come to think of it, Gore might be on to something.

The boater, an undocumented alien from Honduras, was arrested and taken to the Ellsworth jail where he was charged with the reckless endangerment of a marine creature. Charges were dropped and he was released after a group of locals calling themselves Open Borders For All, posted bail and  helped the man obtain a Maine driver's license, free housing, a Mainecare card, food stamps and $500 spending money. The group is in the process of collecting money to bring all 47 members of the man's family to Maine.

The crocodile has not been captured, but was recently seen sunning itself on the beach at the Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club awaiting the arrival of the beautiful summer people. Go croc! 

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