
Welcome to the Blue Hill peninsula's premier tabloid blog bringing you totally irresponsible reporting about insignificant stuff as well as unsubstantiated rumors and gossip. Telling it like it is, or like we think it is; the truth, the whole truth and not nearly the truth. We report. You decide.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What's This We Hear About Scary Clowns on the Peninsula?

by Juicy
Hold onto your hats, folks. Rumor has it there have been several incidences of "scary looking clowns" peering in homeowners' windows on Deer Isle. Yep, you read that right. Scary clowns. On Deer Isle.

This freaky trend has been documented in several states elsewhere in the country, but here in Maine? And on Deer Isle? Who'da thought?

Chowdah has not yet been able to document these scary sightings, which reportedly occur mostly at night, but rest assured, our industrious staff is working on it. Well, we will be working on it as soon as we can drag Fat Boy, our know-nothing reporter at large, (and he is large) away from Subway. But knowing Fat Boy, we might have to leave a trail of Subway sandwiches and Dunkin Donuts from Blue Hill to the island to help motivate him.

Stay tuned and follow Chowdah for all your updates.

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